Friday, July 24, 2009

Catchin' Up!

O man, sorry it's been awhile since I've last posted. I haven't been busy exactly--just kinda a bum you could say:P Haha--and I've been loving every second of it. I'm sure you've all had those days where you have a million things you could be doing and you don't do any of them! Well, that's been me the past couple of days. However, I've been writing lots of poetry, drawing a lot, and reading the Bible (in Spanish!!!) I just found out a couple days ago that I'm going to be going on a mission trip to Mexico over Spring Break with St. Mary Church (at Miami)--AY, estoy TAN entusiasmada:) One of my goals for college has been to go on a mission trip and now it's coming true! I've realized, however, how necessary it is to just rest and relax--I really don't always have to be doing something all the time. I can just be:)

But, when I haven't been sitting around in my P.J.s, I've still been meeting with lots of people and getting to hang out with my mom a lot. My dad is on a fishing trip so we've had lots of Girl Time including long walks around the neighborhood, lots of movies, and midnight pizza:) My sis just got back a couple days ago and it's really great to have her home now. Hopefully we'll be able to hang out a lot! MY dad comes back tmrw, though and then the family will finally be back together!

Last night I got to spend the night at Rach's in Cincinnati because we're going to be camp counselors for her church camp next week and had to get things ready for all the fun! It was SOOOO great to see her and we ended up staying til 3am (w/o realizing it) talking (in spanish:)).

I know I'm jumping around a lot, but I keep remembering things! Last weekend, we had a SOUL reunion in West Chester, OH at Emily's house. Not all of the SOULs could make it, but it was so great to get a re-dose of SOULove form those who could be there:) We never cease to have fun--no matter where we are!
Oh, and this past week I got to see some of my friends from JOOI (Jr. Optimist Octagon International) in OH--Amanda, Peter, and Leslie. They are the first people who really encouraged me to start the Optimist Club at Miami!!! It was SOOOOO great to see them:)
I'll try to keep up better so I won't be so random next time!!!!!!!!!!

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