Friday, August 14, 2009

T-minus 10 days till MIAMI!!

Greetings from the beautiful town of Cambridge. It has been a while since I last stopped by.
I guess, this will perhaps, be my final wrap-up post for this summer blog since summer is almost up.

Well to begin with, it has been the most challenging 8 weeks I have had in one summer. Why, you may ask? Well, try studying natural sciences all your life and then try cramming 120 years worth of European history, War & political issues (globalization, genocide, terrorism, gender, media yadda yadda yadda) and more than 700 years worth of Gothic Architecture History all in 8 weeks. Eh?

On top of that, taking classes with the best of the best is kinda... intimidating, I'd like to say. Especially when you knew nothing going into those classes, and your classmates are like major experts in those area, you know you have to do the extra work. 
It has been a challenge for myself for not only did I have to do a ton of readings for seminar discussions, papers and exams (perhaps the most that I've ever done in my life - more than 8 books in 8 weeks...yet, there are more to come), I travelled around England (Derbyshire - Chatsworth House [fans of Pride and Prejudice should be familiar with this], Oxford and will be going to Bath & Stonehenge) on weekends as well. On another hand, I try to absorb all there is in Cambridge every single moment, dealing with all of the above mentioned while coping with some personal issues. An overwhelming 8 weeks of "Blood, toil, tears and sweat", would accurately depict what I am going through, though I may be exaggerating a little. Nonetheless, it has been the most fulfilling 8 weeks I've had. I met a group of very highly motivated, knowledgeable individuals whose conversation revolves around political issues and literature most of the time, sometimes even philosophy and religion. (No kidding!) It made me reflect on myself: What do I know about this world? What have I been doing with my life all this while? Apart from these, having a well-known historian for a professor is most definitely enjoyable but the pressure to do well in his class? Not so much. True story.

Yet, I have learned so much in this process. One take away from this summer that I'd like to share: to be able to think critically, analyze, make good judgement and critique is crucial as part of growing up and stepping into adulthood. Think about it.

On another note, it is amazing how Cambridge is celebrating its 800 years old birthday this year. Can you imagine that? And to think Miami's 200 years is cool enough...
I am so thankful for this wonderful opportunity to be here this summer. While I am excited to be back at Oxford once more, I don't want this to come to an end. To realize that in another one week or so I will be leaving this beautiful town makes me sad. real sad.

There is a well known Chinese poem that reads:









寻梦? 撑一支长篙,



Translation (found online):
Saying Good-bye to Cambridge Again 

                    Very quietly I take my leave
As quietly as I came here;
Quietly I wave good-bye
To the rosy clouds in the western sky.

The golden willows by the riverside
Are young brides in the setting sun;
Their reflections on the shimmering waves
Always linger in the depth of my heart.

The floating heart growing in the sludge
Sways leisurely under the water;
In the gentle waves of Cambridge
I would be a water plant!

That pool under the shade of elm trees
Holds not water but the rainbow from the sky;
Shattered to pieces among the duckweeds
Is the sediment of a rainbow-like dream?

 To seek a dream? Just to pole a boat  
To where the green grass is more verdant;
Or to have the boat fully loaded with starlight
And sing aloud in the splendour of starlight.

But I cannot sing aloud
Quietness is my farewell music;
Even summer insects heep silence for me
Silent is Cambridge tonight!

Very quietly I take my leave
As quietly as I came here;
Gently I flick my sleeves
Not even a wisp of cloud will I bring away

Can't describe my feelings more accurately. Oh, One more week! I will make the best out of it. For now, back to hitting the books!! Hopefully I will have more time explore and then I shall come back for another (final) round of update in the next week or so! Well, till then!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Hiking, bike rides, and s'mores...Oh my!!!

This past weekend, my family went on the annual Gaerke family camping trip. My entire dad's side of the family goes to Oubache State Park near Bluffton, IN every year and this is no small ordeal bc my dad has 7 siblings and 5 of them have at least 3 kids--and some of those kids are starting to have kids! However, because all the cousins are growing up, not everyone makes it out and it seems like as the years go by, the group gets smaller. Nevertheless, we have a BLAST and it's great to see everyone who can make it out.

We headed out for a hike after everyone got there on Thurs. night.

Had to visit the buffalo...this is the big daddy! I think it's a brawl: dog vs. buffalo. Any bets on who'd win?!;)
Gorgeous sunset over Kunkle Lake (not so gorgeous name:/lo)

Mom and Gina playing hillbilly Golf the next afternoon--VERY fun game!

Ah, ok. So as soon as I got to the campground I started itching real bad and figured out that I had Jiggers. They're these bugs that (brace yourself) crawl into your skin, lay eggs, and then crawl back out. EWWWWW:0 Anyway, the Benedryl I had wasn't helping the itch so they always say that clear nail polish works well. However, since we were camping, no one had clear nail polish--but my aunt found some purlpe shimmery stuff in her camper! So I was lathered in purple nail poliish--think i could start a new trend?! hehe

All of us getting ready to bike to Bluffton--12 miles!

The classic photo--small group tho:(

Have to stop and get milkshakes at Hardees to re-energize for the ride back!

We headed to the pool to cool off--we got what we asked for bc the water was freezing!!
Gavin, my cousin Sarah's little 9mo-old cutie:), went swimming for the first time....he wasn't to thrilled about the cold water either:P

Nate and I took a paddle boat out on good ol' Kunkle Lake. We got stuck in a bunch of muck tho...the lake is pretty disgusting:/

Nate and I continued our adventures at the fire tower--we climbed all 106 steps!

And made it to the top alive!

It's not camping without a great campfire--this is a Gaerke specialty:)

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Still Havin Fun!!!

Hey there!
Whew, have I been staying busy since I last posted (as you can tell bc I haven't posted in awhile:P)--no more lazying around in PJs the whole day. As the summer winds down, I;m trying to see as many people and do as many things with them as possible since I move back to Miami in less than 2 weeks!

A couple Saturdays ago, I reunited with my old youth group RUSH (Reach out, Unite, Serve, Honor) and took a trip to Young's Jersey Dairy to go put-put golfing, see the cool animals, and of course eat ice cream! It was great to catch up with old friends and meet some new ones:)
Caroline preping for a Whole-in-one!
Gotta love OH.....OH-IO!!!!!!
Caroline, Kim, and I--if you wanna win put-put, you should play with us:P haha
Cow butts!

Then I had a GREAT day at the pool with Sean--or as he introduces himself, "Seany":)

What a ham;)
hahahahahha....o man. He is pure BOY!!!!! :)

That night, after splashin around with Sean, my family finally got to go to the CINCINNATI REDS BASEBALL GAME!!!!!!!!!! I'm a HUGE Reds fan (yes, I know they lose...A LOT) and the only games we get to go to are through the Straight A Ticket program. Luckily my sis is still in high school so we can still get them! We sit in the very top section, but I don't care because I just love being at the park. It was a blast and they actually won!!! We saw 4 home runs and it was the last time they won before going on a big losing streak. Maybe we were the good luck charms:)
Me in front of the stadium
The can see the OH River and the KY skyline in the background.

BFFs UNITE!!!! Kelsey and I FINALLY got to see each other since I've been back form SOUL. I missed her like crazy! Kelsey and I have been BFFs since preschool and this past year was kinda hard bc she's at University of Cincinnati and I"m at MU. After I got back from SOUL, I went on vacation nad then when I got back SHE went on vacation and then she had to work duringthe day nad I had jobs at night. SO, we our paths finally crossed and we caught up--over ice cream of course;)

Ah, so this adventure was one that I had waited for for a LONG childhood is now complete bc I went to camp! haha. Rach asked me to be a camp counselor with her for her church's CHPC 2/3 Overnight for the 2nd and 3rd graders. So us, along with 2 other guys, our friend Annie and the director E (along with some other adults), had a blast at Kings Domain hanging out with 7-and 8-year-olds going creeking, making crafts, eating s'mores by the campfire, going on a hayride, swimming, having a luau, having awesome Bible studies, and jammin with Jesus to some AMAZING camp songs:) To see the faith of these young kids was one of the most inspiring faith moments for me.
Our cabin: Las Chicas!!!
Virginia, Rach, Anna, Becca, Lily, and I were enjoying a visit from our new friend, Mr. Turtle:)
Rach and I having WAY too much fun with dress up clothes;) haha. We had to think like 7 year olds to fit in with them right?!

My family spent our last weekend of the summer (that we'll all be home together) to take a special trip to Kings Island amusement park. If you're from OH, you've probably heard of's a really fun park in Cincinnati that's home to the largest wooden roller coaster. It was pretty crowded when we went so I couldn't ride some of the newer rides I wanted to--like Firehawk and Diamondback--but it was fun anyway. Especialy bc we got to see fireworks at night:)
Gina and I waiting in line for a ride in front of the Vortex (roller coaster in the background).

I had some more baby-sitting adventures as you can see from the pic of Amy and I below:)

Then Caroline, Riley, Gina and I decided to have a picnic lunch at Cox Arboretum Metro Park (right across the street form our church in Dayton!!) The Butterfly House just opened so we had a great time hunting caterpillars and enjoying the colorfulness of everything.
Us in the Butterfly House
Even caterpillars have best friends:)
This little guy was catchin' some rays on a log in one of the ponds in the park.

Then it was time for Girl's Night!!!! Last night the girls in my neighborhood had our annual sleepover at mine and Gina's house. We're all growing up, but we're not growing apart. I feel like I have 5 other younger sisters:) This was the last time we were all going to be together for awhile because Kaila and Amy are moving to AZ...but we're already planning a road trip! lol
Mary Kate, Madi, Gina, Me, Amy, Claire, and Kaila
Playing Sing-It on the Wii!
Making flower pens--gotta be stylin at school:)
Ice cream sundae bar is a MUST!
Playing an intense game of "spoons"
Learning the Hoedown Throwdown from the Hannah Montana Movie!!!!! Oh yes, I know it too:)

The next morning (after learning the dance!) we went back to Amy and Kaila's house to continue the party with their little bro Sean. And then our other neighbors Henry and Leo joined us--It seriously was a party! I just love those kids:)
Sean (aka warrior), Leo (aka Spiderman), Henry, Kaila, Amy, Mary Kate, Madi

I'm leaving to go camping in a couple hours so I'm sure I'll return with some more great adventures to write about!!!!!

Hasta Pronto:)